Friday, 28 September 2007

Another 4lber!

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There comes a time in every man's life when he realises that there is more to be done than just to exist.

There is more to this journey than just riding the current and sometimes one needs to fight the flow and break out in their own way.

It is not enough to be a sheep, I have to be my own man.

With this in mind, I weigh myself at 196.2lbs.

I am having a poo

Post poo I am 194.7lbs. that's a pound and a half lighter, but no less resolved to make a difference and fight the norm to find a new way, a new light.

I think I need another poo. A cup of tea has made me 197.2lbs of resolved Manley.

I am having a poo

193.2lbs! That's another 4lber! I am proud, but I know that pride is often the forewarning of complacency, so, after a snack, I'm going to try and really make some changes around here.

Compared to the 17.1lb baby born on Wednesday in Russia, a 4lb poo is nothing. I have made no difference to the world yet today, beyond an additional drop in the planets effluent reserves and the everlasting gratitude of some South coast algae.

I weigh 193.6lbs.

I am having a poo

192.6lbs and therefore a pound lighter and having clocked up six and a half pounds so far today, I suddenly become apathetic.

Sod the life changing experience, I'm going to have a cup of tea.

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