Monday, 6 August 2007

Weekend binge eating sees my weight creeping back up

Digg this

As it says on the tin, the weekend sees my weight creeping back up, at least pre-poo.

The youngest Manley managed to sleep until half seven this morning, so I have woken up feeling worse than normal. How does this exhaustion thing work? Surely I get to sleep it off eventually?

I weigh 191.3lbs.

I am having a poo

189.5lbs? After yesterday's exercise? You can't fool me, there's more to come.


I'm at work and I 'weigh', on the unreliable Exec. office scales, a rather podgy 191.2lbs.

I am having another poo

And now I am back down to 189.2lbs.

I found this picture of my office (and, indeed, my 'chair') on flickr this morning - It pleased me:

Click for more details

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